Tune-Ups, Brakes, Front End

Tune-Up, Brake, and Front End Services

ASE-Certified Technicians | Same-Day Estimates | 38 Years' Experience

ASE-Certified Technicians
Same-Day Estimates
38 Years' Experience

The Comprehensive Auto Care Your Vehicle Deserves

When you're looking for quality tune-up services and brake replacements, turn to Kilby Automotive. You can count on our experienced mechanics for tune-ups and front-end alignments. 

Our experts have the required skills and experience to rebuild loose front-end parts, service your car's AC, and so on. We can also get your blinking check engine light checked. We can handle all drivability issues.
We offer a 1-year nationwide WARRANTY on auto parts and labor.

Visit us today!
"They did an excellent job and kept me informed during the process."

Chris Qualls
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